Dental implants

Dental implants are the epitome of dental progress. This is largely because technology and medical progress have managed to restore hope to patients who have lost one or more teeth by chance. Due to their adaptability in the oral cavity, implants have become very common, and our dental practice, Dental Implant, is highly specialized in the field of implantology, specifically in the placement of dental implants.

Nearly twenty years of work in this field has allowed us to modestly claim that we are among those who were among the first to engage in the practice of placing implants from renowned global manufacturers. That is precisely why we strive to solve all your problems related to tooth loss.

Dental implants are the best choice for you if you want to replace one or more lost teeth. By placing dental implants in the location of lost teeth, you avoid grinding healthy teeth and thus prolong their lifespan. Through implant placement, we will provide you with a fixed restoration that will give you the closest sensation to your natural teeth.

Implantation means permanently solving the problem, especially since it involves attaching the entire structure to the jaw.

Regular visits to the dentist and consultations with them will help ensure that dental implant placement is barely felt.

When there are systemic health issues, replacing potentially problematic teeth, whether one or more, is certainly a better solution, that’s where implantology and dental implants come in. To assist and rescue you.

We have perfected dental implant placement at the “dental implant” dental clinic. Even if you don’t have the conditions for implant placement due to insufficient bone height and width, we’ll solve that problem by using artificial bone and creating all the necessary conditions for dental implant placement.

If a periodontal operation and artificial bone placement are indicated, the entire procedure is completed in one intervention during the dental implant placement itself, so you don’t have to schedule multiple visits; we finish everything in one day.

Upon patient request, we also perform the placement of mini-implants for teeth, which serve to stabilize and retain your complete dentures. Mini-implants for teeth are thin and long dental implants that are placed in the front part of your lower or upper jaw.

What are dental implants exactly?

This question is logical and will be asked by anyone who has any kind of dental problem. Are they safe, can they be removed, what are the contraindications, these are all questions we encounter.

Many are familiar with bridges as one solution for replacing missing teeth. However, when the situation arises where there is no healthy tooth to support the remaining teeth on the bridge, an implant needs to be placed. In layman’s terms, an implant is most similar to a screw and represents an artificial tooth root, which is screwed directly into the bone and then a prosthetic dental crown is placed on it.

To mimic the shape of a real tooth, the crown must be screwed into the socket placed below the gums and it is not visible to the naked eye.

In our dental clinic, the success rate of these procedures is over 98.5%, so there is no reason to worry. Just a few days after implantation, you will have a body’s response – whether the implant will take or not.

It is important to first check the patient’s overall condition, and then the procedure is performed, which does not take long and is done under local anesthesia. The implant placement itself takes only 10 minutes and is a completely safe and painless procedure. After implantation, a certain period is waited for the implant to “bond” with the bone (from 2 to 4 months), after which the prosthetic phase begins where you receive a definitive fixed restoration made of non-metal crowns or metal-ceramic crowns. For the need for an implant to arise, there must be significant tooth decay, which you must not allow. However, there is no reason to despair, as an implant can replace the lack of natural teeth, teeth affected by gangrene, and those that have been damaged due to physical injury.

Do I need dental implants?

As with any other health issue, it is necessary to diagnose the condition of our oral health. Therefore, the prerequisite for everything is not to become a candidate for implants. This is achieved through regular check-ups, oral hygiene, and maintaining healthy habits. However, if things go wrong, it is enough to start with a comprehensive oral examination which will determine if your toothlessness has progressed to the point where implants are needed.

Patients often visit the dentist for aesthetic reasons, so it is important to first consider what they actually want. Not everyone is equally informed about tooth implants, and sometimes patients simply want to have implants done. Sometimes, due to patients’ desires, the possibility of other methods is overlooked, so if you want implants to be placed, first consult with a dentist to see if you need them. Our dental clinic offers free consultations on these issues.

It’s very important to know that an orthopantomogram (OPG) is crucial when assessing the oral situation. An OPG, which provides a comprehensive view of the mouth from multiple angles, will better address the issues related to dental implant placement. Problems that may arise include insufficient jawbone quantity, which may require jaw correction. Of course, this should not scare you because these are exceptions, not rules. The factual situation is determined by analyzing the orthopantomogram.

To proceed with implant placement, it’s necessary to address all possible issues such as cavities, tooth diseases, and to assess whether periodontal disease might interfere with the process.

The overall body condition, health status, and other illnesses can also prevent dental implants from being placed. Severe diseases and bad habits can cause problems because implants may not integrate in a small percentage of cases. Habits such as alcohol or smoking contribute to this.

It’s often asked how many dental implants are actually needed, and this question is rightly asked. People generally dislike interventions and surgeries, so it’s important to know that it’s not always necessary to implant when a tooth is missing. However, to determine the actual number of teeth needed, a treatment plan must be made, which is decided by the dentist.

It’s desirable and recommended that the entire implant procedure, from prosthetic fabrication to placement, be performed by one dentist, so they can have a comprehensive understanding of the situation.

Advantages of dental implant placement

The placement of dental implants is a permanent solution because they structurally bond to the jawbone. However, this is just one of the advantages of dental implants.

There are countless benefits when a dental implant is placed. When there is an unexpected loss of a tooth, whether due to injury or decay, it is necessary to enable the jaw for chewing somehow. Besides the functionality of the teeth, we can agree that the aesthetic element is very important. Therefore, it is essential to think ahead. But even if you lose a tooth, not all is lost forever. A single dental implant can save almost the entire jaw by allowing you to place a bridge that will extend to the next intact tooth.

If you lose one or more teeth, chewing food will become difficult, which will further negatively affect other bodily functions, such as digestion.

Additionally, when you are missing a tooth, chewing puts excessive pressure on the jawbone, causing it to wear down. Since the jawbone supports the facial muscles, the face takes on an aged appearance, leading to both functional and aesthetic problems. Speaking of the aesthetic factor, if you lose a front tooth, it is worth mentioning that implants with crowns today look like natural teeth, and the difference is unnoticeable.

If you are missing one tooth, it is much better to get a dental implant than to place an artificial tooth by grinding down the adjacent teeth. If you are missing several teeth (or even all of them), it is possible to install dental implants that will serve as supports for a dental bridge.

Requirements for dental implant placement

Since the dental implant is made of biocompatible material, the body accepts it very well. However, some basic conditions need to be met for an implant to be placed.

The most important factor is that the patient’s overall health condition is good. Additionally, a small number of diseases can adversely affect the bonding of the dental implant to the bone. In the past, insufficient height and width of the bone was a potential problem, but today this issue can be resolved with the installation of artificial bone, and it is even possible to complete everything during a single visit to our dental clinic. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

What is most important after the placement of a dental implant is to follow the dentist’s advice and maintain oral hygiene properly. Implants require at least the same level of care as natural teeth. Regular brushing of both natural teeth and implants, along with the use of dental floss, is essential. Of course, regular check-ups of the dental implant and crowns are also necessary.

The conclusion is that if you do not have severe systemic diseases and if you follow the instructions, rejection of the dental implant is almost impossible. Dental implants behave very similarly to natural teeth and therefore represent the best possible replacement for lost teeth.

Dental implant placement process

The dental implant placement process begins with assessing the condition of the patient’s mouth, using either 2D or 3D orthopantomographic imaging. Potential complications that may arise in the sinus cavities are prevented with a 3D orthopantomographic scan, which shows the exact position of the bone and any existing implants.

If necessary, a piece of bone is inserted into the sinus to expand it when there is not enough bone. The implant placement procedure takes time, so certain conditions must be met. Under normal circumstances, this procedure takes about 15 to 30 minutes. Of course, if multiple screws are being implanted into the bone, the procedure can take several hours.

To assess the condition, the patient comes in for a follow-up the very next day. If everything is found to be in order, the next four months are spent waiting for the screw to integrate into the jawbone and be accepted by it. In cases of complete edentulism, dentists provide a temporary denture.

After four months, the shapes and shades of the teeth are discussed with the dentist, and then the abutment, an intermediate piece, is placed on the screw. The final tooth is expected to be installed 15 days later.

Dental implants and crowns need to be maintained just like natural teeth, and you will get used to them very quickly. Unlike artificial teeth, natural teeth can defend themselves for some time. Since bacteria also attack artificial teeth, they need to be cleaned more frequently. It may happen that bacteria from the artificial tooth attack the gums, and dental plaque can accumulate on the abutment as a result of tartar and bacteria.

What does the wound healing process look like?

Of course, you’re interested in the answer to this question. Who wouldn’t be? It’s a long-term process, so we’ll try to explain it.

After drilling the jawbone and placing the screw, specific processes occur that are not the simplest. Namely, the bone tissue of the jaw has to fuse with the foreign body. This is a process of osseointegration, which involves the formation of new bone that is in contact with the titanium. This process occurs in two phases.

The first phase of healing is called the callus formation phase. During this phase, a callus forms to fill the gap between the implant and the bone.

The second phase of healing is called the bone remodeling phase. In this phase, the bone undergoes final modeling, fusing, and shaping. This way, the implants finally integrate, and stability is achieved. Naturally, after that the recovery process and the creation of the prosthetic work occur. As mentioned, this process typically takes about four months. In the lower jaw, the bone heals faster, while in the upper jaw, the process can take up to six months.

Maintaining dental implants

When dental implants are placed in the jaw, a period of adjustment follows. Additionally, it’s logical that if we haven’t taken care of our natural teeth, we need to dedicate ourselves to maintaining implants in a certain way. This is a very important issue, but many neglect it. It doesn’t receive enough attention, nor is it often raised by those for whom it should matter.

Although implants themselves do not require maintenance like natural teeth, it is logical that oral hygiene is still necessary. Dental implants are covered by the gums, so they are not visible. From the moment the implant integrates with the jaw and becomes part of it, maintaining hygiene is crucial.

If dental plaque, bacteria, or tartar accumulate at the junction of the crown and the abutment, gum inflammation can easily occur. Unlike natural teeth, artificial teeth cannot defend themselves. The main cause of gum inflammation is poor hygiene.

Since integrated teeth become a part of your body that you will carry for life, it is a better option for the abutment to be custom-made for each tooth rather than using a factory-made one.

After placing the implants, we also provide a short training session on proper hygiene maintenance for implants and dentures.

Maintaining oral hygiene, regular brushing, and using dental floss are essential for dental care.


Lifespan of dental implants

Dental implants have an unlimited lifespan. At least, that should be the case. If we think about it, natural teeth should also last forever if we take proper care of them.

Problems with teeth generally arise due to negligence or excess. Poor hygiene is the primary reason for losing teeth, followed by avoiding check-ups and neglecting overall health.

After losing a tooth and completing the implant procedure, your perception should change, and you should dedicate yourself to their care. Dietary habits, hygiene, and your attitude toward dental care can have a crucial impact on the lifespan of the implant. The answer to how long implants can last lies precisely in your habits. Once an implant is placed in the bone, with proper maintenance, it should last a lifetime.

Implants are becoming more affordable year by year, but it cannot be said that they are cheap. Therefore, it’s important to note that installment payments are possible.

Since dental implants are a long-term investment, the price should not be your main criterion when choosing a dental clinic for the procedure. It is very important to say that the costs are quite relative. If we consider what we lose if we don’t have teeth or have decayed remnants that cause numerous diseases, we will realize that health is priceless.

Implanti su iz godine u godinu sve povoljniji, ali se ne može reći da su jeftini. Zbog toga je bitno naglasiti da je moguće plaćanje u ratama.

Pošto su zubni implanti dugoročna investicija, cena ne bi trebala da vam bude glavni orijentir prilikom izbora stomatološke ordinacije u kojoj ćete ih ugraditi. Veoma je važno reći da su troškovi poprilično relativna stvar. Naime, ako imamo u vidu šta sve gubimo ukoliko nemamo zube, ili imamo pokvarene ostatke koji uzrokuju brojne bolesti, shvatićemo da zdravlje i nema cenu.

Cost of dental implants

The cost of dental implants is an important factor to consider and plan for. However, the exact and precise cost of dental implants, i.e., how much the entire procedure will cost, cannot be determined without visiting a dental clinic.

To assist you as much as possible, we have prepared a SPECIAL PRICE for implants. A PROMOTIONAL PRICE for metal-free ceramic crowns on implants. You can read more about all our prices on our price list.

Implants are becoming more affordable year by year, but it cannot be said that they are cheap. Therefore, it’s important to note that installment payments are possible.

Since dental implants are a long-term investment, the price should not be your main criterion when choosing a dental clinic for the procedure. It is very important to say that the costs are quite relative. If we consider what we lose if we don’t have teeth, or have decayed remnants that cause numerous diseases, we will realize that health is priceless.

All about dental implants


By placing an implant, together with the root, it is possible to mimic all the natural teeth functions. A firm tooth base allows normal chewing. One of the other implant advantages is that they look natural and do not make you feel uncomfortable.

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Whether you live in Belgrade, throughout Serbia, or anywhere else on the planet, you are aware of the emphasis placed on aesthetics. A pleasant and beautiful smile is important to everyone during eye contact.

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In this section, we will try to clearly and step-by-step explain all segments of the implant placement process to eliminate any confusion. First, you need to visit the clinic for a dental examination and general assessment. This is a necessary step that initiates all other steps. So, head to the clinic and consult with the dentist if you have any questions.

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Are you considering replacing a damaged or missing tooth with a dental implant but worried about how painful the procedure might be? This is a common concern for potential and future patients. Keep in mind that the implantation process itself is not very painful, and the discomfort is minimal.

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The cost of dental implants is an important consideration and something that needs to be planned. The prices of dental implants have been decreasing in recent years, but it cannot be said that dental implants are cheap. However, since dental implants are a long-term investment, the cost should not be your main criterion when choosing the dental clinic where you will have them installed.

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The constant perfecting of our services and the following of world trends in the area of implantology allows us to offer you the concept of implant immediate loading.Our clinic is performing this procedure for years now.

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It is a surgical procedure which increases the height of the upper jaw bone. Sometimes this procedure is needed to allow implant placement. Maxillary sinuses are located the cheek in a bone and go from the area below the eye to above back teeth.

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The development of implantology in past years has brought new techniques and materials which help us to better help our patients and their wishes.Dental prosthesis (dentures) are stabilized in the mouth with the help of plas…

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Artificially designed replacements are made from special materials precisely because artificial materials are implanted into living tissues. Careful consideration must be given to the materials used to ensure that tissues can tolerate this.

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The answer to this question is YES. However, we do not see fundamental reasons for removing implants once you have invested effort, time, and money. If there is a medical reason for removing an implant, it is possible to do so.

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Of course, it can happen that some bodies react differently than usual to the implantation of a dental implant. Rejection of the implant due to a titanium allergy is extremely rare. However, there is a small percentage of people who are allergic to titanium, but it is less than 1%.

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Implantology, the history of dental implants and their installation, has not been significantly highlighted in the public eye or science. The year 1913 is known for the creation of the first successful implant, called the Greenfield implant.

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